Just forget the world

June 26 2015

I love the words of Snow Patrol – If I lay here, if I just lay here, would you lie with me and just forget the world?

I love to sometimes just lie on my back and look at the sky and sometimes I do just forget the world.

Treat yourself.  Take just a few minutes to “chill” and just forget the world.  Try it – just for 5 minutes.

Find a nice place – lie on your back and look at the sky – listen to the sounds – connect with your breath and allow your mind to empty.  Of course it won’t empty because it is full of your busy life but just notice the thoughts and then let them drift away.  Connect back to your breath.  If you are worried about time set your phone to ping after 5 minutes – then you can completely enjoy your ‘chill’.  I don’t call it meditation – that is too big a word for me right now.  It is just time allocated to doing absolutely nothing.  I love it.